Just after looking back to the old post I posted here. Looking back to how I actually passed those hardest years in my life. Looking back to where I came to here. To be what am I right now.
And I can't really believe that I was actually could passed those years in my life.
When everything sucks (yet gave me a lot -literally a lot- precious things to learn) happened to this life. When I'm actually failed at everything. How actually a lot of problems came to my parents bussiness. How I deal with the end of my relationship. How to let go of someone that I've ever loved a lot. How actually all the feelings were change just that way. How could I passed from those most pathetic days I've ever been.
And today is almost 2-5 years ago from that time.
Life is like a roller coaster they usually said. It has ups and downs. And however to enjoy is what I (as the good human being) sincerely could do.
But. Every single time i'll be at those downs time I just learn to deal with that a lot. I know that life goes on. I know when I take a breath everything will be alright and all of those days was only such a process to be a better human in next day.
Sorry for some spam I posted here, but this is my garbage anyway so at least I'm not spaming at somewhere that could possibly disturb u and last but not least sorry for the bad grammar, believe me I keep on tryin!
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